If you would like to donate by other means of payment, a variety of other ways are available to you

You can send a check by mail to:
Yaakov Dori Road, PO Box 870, Zip Code 5510801 Kiryat Ono
Bank transfer

You can make a bank transfer to: The Association for Israel’s soldiers.
Bank: The First International Bank of Israel
Bank Code: 031
Branch address: Itzhak Sadeh 7, Tel-Aviv
Branch No: 048
Account No: 324019
IBAN: IL-42-031-048-0000000-324019
Telephone donation

To make a donation call 3399 *
Direct Debit

You can make a regular donation for IDF soldiers through a standing order in your bank account
Equipment donation

You can donate proper household equipment in good condition for the use of the soldiers, call 3399 *
Donate through our friends around the world

Entitled to tax in the country of origin.
Click here to go to the representatives of our friends in the world

You can send a check by mail to:
Yaakov Dori Road, PO Box 870, Zip Code 5510801 Kiryat Ono
Bank transfer

You can make a bank transfer to: The Association for Israel’s soldiers.
Bank: The First International Bank of Israel
Bank Code: 031
Branch address: Itzhak Sadeh 7, Tel-Aviv
Branch No: 048
Account No: 324019
IBAN: IL-42-031-048-0000000-324019
Telephone donation

To make a donation call 3399 *
Direct Debit

You can make a regular donation for IDF soldiers through a standing order in your bank account
Equipment donation

You can donate proper household equipment in good condition for the use of the soldiers, call 3399 *
Donate through our friends around the world

Entitled to tax in the country of origin.
Click here to go to the representatives of our friends in the world